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SEO & Google: Don't be afraid of Google Core updates; Here's how to stay calm about Google Core updates!

Don't be afraid of Google Core updates

They have sounding names like Hummingbird and Panda and are among the most feared "forces of nature" on the Internet: Google Core Updates. And not for nothing, because they can cause the disappearance of your website from the top search engine rankings in no time. In this article, we'll show you how to best deal with Google Core Updates and how you can even use them to your advantage. Curious to learn more? Then let's get started!

What are Google Core Updates?

If Google carries out a fundamental update of the algorithm that evaluates websites, this is called a Google Core Update. Such an update is intended to improve search results so that users always find what they are looking for.

What makes Google Core updates so dreaded?

Smaller updates of the Google search engine algorithm are on the program almost daily, but these are of little importance for website operators. The situation is quite different with core updates: As their name suggests, these go to the heart of the matter. This means that they represent a relatively deep intervention in the algorithm and have a correspondingly strong effect on the SERPs.

SERPs is the abbreviation for Search Engine Result Pages. They list the results of a search query and rank them in descending order of relevance. Algorithms are used to determine the rankings in the SERPs by calculating them with the help of numerous factors such as loading speed, keywords and content quality. If Google now carries out a core update, the relevance of individual evaluation factors changes and previously top-ranked pages can suddenly slip to the bottom of the search results - the nightmare of every website operator.

Why does Google do core updates?

Basically, Google wants to improve search results with Core Updates and ensure that searched content is also found. This is of course positive for users, but regularly leads to sweating for website operators and SEO officers. But that doesn't have to be the case, because with a basic understanding of the subject matter and appropriate preparation, Google Core Updates quickly lose their terror and you can even use them to your advantage.

How to prevent damage from Google Core updates

The good news right away: No one has to be caught stone cold by Google Core updates, because Google usually announces them some time in advance of their execution. In addition, the company also provides information about how the evaluation of ranking factors will change approximately. In short: You can prepare yourself for Google Core Updates.

In addition, there are basic foundations of every website that have always played and still play an important role for Google in search engine rankings, regardless of core updates. These include a solid technical basis and an added value of the website content for the users. If these two basics are right, you can be much more relaxed about Google Core Updates.

We have summarized the most important points for you once again:

The last Google Core Updates 2021

The last Core Updates were carried out by Google in May and June 2021 and in December 2020. We want to take a closer look at these and their effects on search engine rankings.

The Google Core Web Vitals Update in May and June 2021

This core update was announced by Google well in advance, so website operators had plenty of time to prepare for it.
Basically, this update was about giving more weight to the page experience and giving it much more influence on the placement in the search engine rankings. The Page Experience is mainly influenced by the Core Web Vitals influence, which have been expanded from four to seven in the course of this update. These seven are the following criteria, which Google uses to evaluate how well users can access a website:

In short: A good Performance optimization of the website plays an important role here.

This update clearly shows that users are increasingly taking center stage and that the user experience is becoming an increasingly important factor in Google's search engine algorithm. A positive user experience is considered one of the most important criteria for landing in the top positions of Google's search engine rankings. Even greater influence on the ranking of a page has only its content - if this is excellent, it can still be ranked high despite a less than optimal user experience. However, you should always keep an eye on the user experience of your website and optimize it continuously, because this is where the greatest potential for improving a website's search engine ranking lies.

Content update in December 2020

Just in the run-up to Christmas - the period with the highest turnover for many online stores - Google 2020 carried out a core update. This mainly affected websites with thin content - i.e. bad content - as well as unnecessary clickbait.
This core update has put the focus even more on high-quality content and ensured a better ranking of websites whose content offers a clear added value for users. In addition to well-structured content, content now also plays a greater role. After this core update, Google also checks whether studies and analyses were used as the basis of a topic and whether the content was copied from other pages or marked as sources.

Prepared for upcoming Google Core updates

Websites with high-quality content that offers visitors real added value, a very good user experience and a solid technical basis do not have to fear a drop in search engine rankings due to Google Core Updates. We can therefore only recommend that you pay attention to outstanding content, regularly SEO audits and stay informed about Google Core updates announced for the future. This way you can even use them to your advantage.

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