What is a call-to-action (CTA)?

Learn what a call-to-action (CTA) is, why it's critical to the success of a website or marketing campaign, and examples of successful CTAs.

What is a call-to-action (CTA)?

A call-to-action (CTA) is an element on a web page or in a marketing campaign that prompts the user to perform a specific action. CTAs are often used in web design and online marketing to prompt customers to take specific actions such as buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting a company. As a rule, these are eye-catching buttons, links or graphics that directly address the user and prompt him to take action.

Why are call-to-actions important?

Call-to-actions are critical to the success of a website or marketing campaign because they increase the conversion rate (the number of users who take the desired action). A good CTA can encourage users to engage with the offer, and therefore also increases sales and customer satisfaction.

Examples of successful call-to-actions

In practice, there are many different forms of CTAs that are used depending on the context and goal. Some examples are:

  • Buy: A button or link that takes the user directly to the checkout or shopping cart.
  • Register now: A CTA that prompts the user to sign up for a newsletter or webinar.
  • Learn more: A link that directs the user to further information about the product or company.
  • Contact: A CTA that leads the user to a contact option, such as a contact form or the company's phone number.

Call-to-action design

The design of a call-to-action plays an important role in its success. A good CTA should be eye-catching, but not intrusive - it should appeal to the user, but not scare them away. The following aspects are important:

  • Color and contrast: The CTA should stand out in color from the rest of the page content to attract the user's attention.
  • Size and placement: The CTA should be large enough to catch the eye and placed in a highly visible location on the page.
  • Text and font: The text of the CTA should be clear and understandable and address the user directly, e.g. by using imperatives ("Buy now"). The font should be easy to read and match the design of the page.
  • Mobile Optimization: Since more and more users access websites on mobile devices, the CTA should also be easily visible and usable on smartphones and tablets.

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