What is a CSS Selector?

A CSS selector is a tool to identify and format HTML elements on a web page. Learn more about types and uses of CSS selectors here.

What is a CSS Selector?

A CSS selector is a combination of elements, attributes, classes, IDs, and pseudo-classes used to identify and format HTML elements in a web page. CSS selectors allow web designers and developers to specify how certain elements on the page should be styled in terms of appearance and layout. They are a fundamental part of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the standard styling language for web pages.

Types of CSS selectors

There are different types of CSS selectors that can be used in different ways. The most important CSS selectors are:

  • Elementselekor: allows direct formatting of HTML elements like <p>, <h1>, <div>, etc. by specifying the element name in the CSS.
  • ID selector: is used to style a single HTML element that has a specific 'id' property.
  • Class selector: is used to format a group of HTML elements that have a common 'class' property.
  • Attribute selector: allows formatting HTML elements based on their attributes and/or attribute values.
  • Pseudo-class selector: selects HTML elements based on their current state or position in the DOM (Document Object Model).

Application of CSS selectors

CSS selectors are used in stylesheets to define rules for formatting HTML elements. The selectors serve as a link between the HTML elements and the CSS rules.

An example of a simple CSS rule with an element selector:

p { font-size: 14px; }

In this example, the element selector 'p' is used to set the font size of all <p>-elements on the web page. This would cause all <p>-elements are displayed with a font size of 14 pixels.


A CSS selector is a basic tool for identifying and formatting HTML elements on a web page. The combination of different types of CSS selectors enables web designers and developers to create sophisticated and visually appealing web pages.

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