What is the difference between Post and Page in WordPress?

Learn what the difference is between Posts and Pages in WordPress, including their uses, functions, and features to make your website content effective.

What is the difference between Post and Page in WordPress?

The terms "Post" and "Page" refer to two different types of content in WordPress. Both are used for different purposes and have different functions and features aimed at providing users with versatile and user-friendly management of their website.


Posts are blog-like entries that are usually published on the website in reverse chronological order. They are often used for dynamic content that is regularly updated and expanded, such as company news, industry information, event announcements, or topic-specific articles. The newest posts automatically appear at the top of the blog page, pushing older posts further down. Posts allow users to leave comments and easily follow via RSS feed or email subscription.

The category and keyword features are other distinctive features of posts in WordPress. Categories help structure and group content with similar topics, while keywords or tags help search and link posts by specific keywords.


Unlike posts, pages are static content that is not tied to a specific date or time. They are suitable for content that is rather fixed and time-independent, such as "About us", "Services", "Contact" or "Imprint". Pages usually do not have a comment function and are not displayed in archives or feeds.

Another distinguishing feature of pages is their hierarchy. Pages can have subordinate pages (so-called "child pages"), which enables a menu structure with several levels. This allows for clearer structuring and linking of content within the web page.


  • Posts are suitable for dynamic, regularly updated content and are displayed in reverse chronological order.
  • Pages are designed for static, time-independent content and support hierarchical structuring.

While both types of content have their specific applications and benefits, it is important to use them effectively depending on the needs and objectives of the website.

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