SEO: How the loading time influences the ranking

SEO: How the loading time influences the ranking

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31 October 2018

When it comes to SEO, most people think primarily of keywords, a clear structure and backlinks. However, besides the content and structural aspects, the technical optimization of the website also plays a primary role for a top 10 ranking in the organic search results.

Page Speed as an SEO trend

Patience is one of the qualities that very few people are blessed with. When it comes to searching for products and offers on the Internet, it becomes clear what the patience factor is really like. Websites that take longer than two to three seconds from click to complete display are of no interest to the user and play no role at all in the rankings of Google & Co. Page speed is a primary criterion in SEO and definitely a trend that today has the same weighting as high-quality content, thematic relevance and the right keywords. Lean codes and avoiding unnecessarily long scripts are stylistic devices that lead to success in organic search results. Because not only the user, but also the Google algorithm strictly evaluates the loading time. The coveted place on the first page of search results requires that the greatest attention is paid to page speed in the context of OnPage SEO. This includes identifying sources of error, recognizing weak points and performing technical optimization with know-how.

Long loading times increase the bounce rate

The fast Internet places new demands on search engine optimization. While slow page loading could be justified in the past with a slow Internet connection, this excuse can no longer be used today. If a website loads slowly or if images and videos build up in slow motion (or in the worst case not at all), the visitor jumps off and looks around at the competitor. On mobile devices, the user evaluation is even stricter. Here, 1.5 seconds is the maximum loading time, and websites that take longer to load immediately lose interest. This aspect not only applies to the main page, but also to all subpages and product pages. If the desired offer does not appear immediately per click, the best quality and favorable prices are of no use. The visitor does not wait and leaves the page before he can be convinced of its advantage by more detailed information. Since the bounce rate is one of the more than 200 ranking factors on Google, pages that build up slowly have no chance of being placed in the top 10 search results. The fact is: if you are in the back ranks, you don't have to worry about the bounce rate at all, because only the first page of search results is interesting for users.
WordPress performance

Optimization measures to reduce the loading time

The loading time of a page can be shortened with strategic measures in technical and content optimization. This aspect brings new opportunities and possibilities both in terms of indexing and positioning on Google, as well as in the acceptance of the user. Any programming errors and machine-unreadable codes, which the bot cannot decipher and thus cannot evaluate, must be excluded. Besides absolutely clean and correct codes, the focus is on the compression of images, videos and forms. Unnecessary spaces or line breaks, hidden files and errors in the layout can be detected with innovative SEO tools and removed with the necessary competence. Outsourcing certain source files also makes an important contribution to more speed. In the mobile SERPs, the loading time plays an even more important role than in the search results via stationary computers. Nevertheless, page speed should be a general topic in SEO and not primarily related to the mobile site. Responsive design, a slimmed down layout and the avoidance of unnecessary background files or plugins accelerate the page load sustainably. In order to apply the right strategies and identify sources of error, detailed analyses are necessary. The focus here is particularly on JavaScript and HTML files, which have an immense influence on page speed. If certain scripts cannot be avoided in general, outsourcing and summarization prove to be a practical means with loading time-reducing performance. The loading time is not an indirect, but a direct ranking factor and thus an important stylistic device in SEO.

The loading time as a factor of usability

Google weights the loading time very highly. But the user also appreciates the fast page loading. It is fair to say that page speed is a leading factor in usability. "Search something quickly on the web" is a statement that makes it clear what really matters to the mobile and stationary target group. In order to inspire the user with a high-quality and thematically relevant homepage, you first have to get them to the page. This only works if the page opens immediately and there is no time to count seconds. Only then can the visual criteria and the content of a homepage score. Usability does not exclusively refer to the optimal structure, transparent operation and advantageous menu navigation. Whether or not a website is user-friendly and therefore interesting can already be seen in the time span between the click on the search result and the appearance of the page on the user's screen. Those who save on loading time and do not consider optimization in this regard with the greatest care are giving away valuable potential and leaving existing resources unused.

Regular load time checks are necessary

Search engine optimization is not a one-way street. The requirements of the target group, but also the co-ethics and ranking requirements of Google & Co. are characterized by continuous changes. A page that was in the top 10 yesterday and opens quickly can be relegated to the back ranks tomorrow. One of the most important monitoring tasks is to regularly check the loading time. This can change without being influenced by the user. In addition to the load time checks after a page update, one should react with the greatest attention to announcements of updates by the search engine operator. However, it should be noted here: not all changes in the Google algorithm are really officially announced. To avoid a slowdown of the page and the associated risks in the ranking and usability, it makes sense to get an overview on your own. Those who have no SEO experience or would like to outsource this complex task can trust in our competence and commission the optimization of the loading time as an agency service.

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